
Indonesia regrets that Papua killing mars US ties

16:23 pm on 8 November 2005

Indonesia has criticised the United States for stalling efforts to restore full military ties between the two countries because of unresolved murders in its province of Papua.

A US House committee says Indonesia has not done enough to bring the killers of two American school teachers and one Indonesian in 2002 to justice.

It wants a new investigation into the matter before it authorises foreign military finance and exports of lethal military equipment to Indonesia

The Indonesian defence minister, Juwono Sudarsono, says there is no legal basis to the move.

Mr Sudarsono says an earlier FBI investigation in conjunction with the Indonesian Military concluded Papuan separatist rebels were to blame.

That team implicated rebel leader Antonius Wamang in the attack.

Mr Wamang is still at large.

Activists believe he was working for the military.