New Zealand / Regional

Gaming firm hopes to lure laid off workers

16:28 pm on 1 February 2016

A Dunedin-based gaming company is hoping to lure workers made redundant from Gameloft in Auckland as it seeks to hire around 50 people this year.

RocketWerkz founder Dean Hall Photo: Radio NZ / Mohamed Hassan

About 150 jobs are being axed as the Paris-owned multinational video gaming company Gameloft shuts down its New Zealand operations.

Listen to Dean Hall

RocketWerkz founder Dean Hall said a number of Gameloft employees had already applied for jobs at his company.

"Our ideal aim would be to take them on quite rapidly cause we're spooling up a rather large new project, it's really a question of how many of them can actually, and want to make the change from mobile gaming to PC and console development."

Mr Hall said his company opened in March last year with four staff, it now has about 17 workers and wants to hire up to 50 people this year.

He said anyone wanting to work for Gameloft would need to be happy to shift to Dunedin.