
Parents of American Samoan soldiers fear troop deployment to Afghanistan

07:37 am on 4 December 2009

Parents of American Samoan soldiers are reported to be fearful about the announcement an additional 30,000 US troops are to be sent to Afghanistan.

American Samoa has one of the highest per capita rate of soldiers in the armed forces of any US territory or state.

Our correspondent in the US territory, Monica Miller says parents are concerned more soldiers could now be heading for Afghanistan, which could lead to a loss of life.

This mother of an American Samoan soldier says she opposes the troop buildup

"I don't agree because I know there's a big effect on the soldiers and their families, there's not enough time to spend with the families. I don't agree because I have a son that just came back from Iraq, and it has a big effect on him, he doesn't agree on going back."

The mother of an American Samoan soldier.

Monica Miller says American Samoans are attracted to the military because it offers better prospects and income.