
Not for Fiji army to step in: Tikoitoga

04:13 am on 24 June 2014

The head of Fiji's military says any government that tries to rewrite the constitution post-election would become illegal but it is not for the army to step in.

Brigadier General Mosese Tikoitoga says he stands by his earlier statement there will be no more coups in Fiji and he says he is working with his officers and members of the military to ensure that.

He was asked to clarify statements in Australian media that the military would not tolerate a government trying to change the constitution.

Mosese Tikoitoga. Photo: AFP

Brigadier General Tikoitoga has reiterated amendments to the constitution are allowed if they pass a majority in parliament and public referendum but a complete rewrite is not permitted.

"We will abide by the processes of the constitution. If they suddenly come in and throw away the constitution, and want to rewrite the constitution, that is not the provisions of a constitution, and that cannot be accepted".

Mosese Tikoitoga says a new election would have to take place under the power of the president if a new government tries to enforce a complete change