Smokefree Day this year will extend to a whole month.
At Manurewa Marae today, Associate Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall said that the smokefree vision should last for more than a single day, so this year it will be for all of May.
"Aotearoa New Zealand has always observed World Smokefree Day on 31 May, but we recognise the need to celebrate our smokefree vision for more than a single day a year, so for the first time ever, we will focus on this mahi for the whole month of May."
The theme is 'We're backing you,' which will focus on the team effort it takes to support people to quit smoking and stay smokefree.
"The Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan I launched last year detailed measures that will help us reach our goal of making New Zealand smokefree in the next three years, saving thousands of lives," Dr Verrall said.
"This is a priority of our government, and throughout this month a range of activities will take place to promote a smokefree lifestyle."
Dr Verrall said smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death in New Zealand and causes one in four cancers.
It is particularly prevalent in Maori, Pacific and low-income communities.