New Zealand / Covid 19

Live Covid-19 updates for Thursday 4 March

18:45 pm on 4 March 2021

The goverment is being pressed for more information about how it will roll out the Covid-19 vaccine to priority groups.

Otago University academic and GP Ben Gray this morning called for South Auckland vaccinations to begin this month. At today's 1pm briefing Dr Bloomfield said he had asked his team to start thinking about it.

Cabinet ministers have received advice regarding a nationwide vaccination schedule but have yet to finalise or publish a complete plan.

Whatever the alert level, bus drivers are dealing with people and risk being exposed to Covid-19. Bus drivers have told Checkpoint's Louise Ternouth they too want to be high on the list when the public rollout happens.

Read back through live updates from Thursday, 4 March:

This is an official government Covid-19 announcement:

On 28 February, the Auckland region moved to Covid-19 Alert Level 3. The rest of New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2. This is for a period of seven days. Further community cases of Covid-19 have been identified in the Auckland Region. If you are in Auckland, stay home where possible, and follow Alert Level 3 guidelines. This will stop the transmission of Covid-19 and save lives. For more information on the alert levels go to

RNZ is the statutory Lifeline Utility responsible for radio broadcasting under the Emergency Management Act 2002 and it has a memorandum of understanding with Government which has been activated to help deal with potential health issues related to the pandemic. RNZ's Lifeline Utility obligations do not affect our editorial independence as a public media organisation or the rigour of our news gathering and reporting operations.

As New Zealand's Lifeline Utility radio broadcaster, RNZ is required to maintain essential public information channels and news during times of national emergency and we are committed to supporting all New Zealanders. We are also committed to looking after the health and well-being of our staff.

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If necessary RNZ Concert and RNZ Pacific will carry news and information from RNZ National. Parliament will continue to be broadcast on the AM network when the House is sitting. As the country's public service media organisation, RNZ is committed to supporting all New Zealanders.

Kia Kaha - Stay Strong