
Dissident Fiji Labour members to be summoned again next month

19:51 pm on 19 September 2006

The Fiji Labour Party's national council will meet again in the middle of next month to decide on disciplinary action against seven senior dissident members.

A meeting at Ba last weekend could not proceed because the seven did not turn up to explain their actions and mitigate.

Among other offences, they have been charged with undermining the party leadership and showing disrespect to the party leader, Mahendra Chaudhry, and the party president, Jokapeci Koroi.

The charges relate to the period after the general election when the dissidents publicly questioned Mr Chaudhry's nomination of Labour senators and produced a list of their own which they sent to the president for appointment to the Upper House.

Those facing charges are cabinet ministers Krishna Datt and Poseci Bune, MPs Felix Anthony and Agni Deo Singh, and former senator Dr Atu Emberson-Bain.

The Labour Party's Vuda branch president, Prem Chand, and the secretary, Vijay Singh, were also charged later for demanding disciplinary action against Mrs Koroi because she refused to call a party management board meeting over the differences.

The seven have been warned that if they are not present at the next national council meeting on October the 14th, the council will go ahead with disciplinary action in their absence.