New Zealand / Auckland Region

Water restrictions unlikely this summer but Aucklanders urged to 'go easy' with usage

18:14 pm on 9 December 2024
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Photo: 123RF

Auckland is unlikely to have water restrictions this summer but Watercare is asking residents to be go easy on their water use.

The region's dam levels are slightly below average for this time of year, sitting at 85.2 percent after a winter where catchments recorded three-quarters of the normal rainfall.

Watercare head of water Sharon Danks said water use can spike by up to 100 million litres on a hot summer day and it was important to go easy on the hose.

"It's pretty safe to assume most of that is being used outdoors. This can put pressure on our treatment plants and networks, so we'll be encouraging our customers to go easy with their water use this summer," Danks said.

"Being waterwise is important, because it's a precious resource that should be looked after. But it's also in everyone's best interests, because we need to ensure our infrastructure can meet peak summer demand - if we can keep that peak down, we can defer costly infrastructure upgrades and save on interest costs."

Danks said Watercare was hoping to avoid a repeat of February 2020, when water consumption hit a record with the rolling seven-day-average topping 549 million litres per day.

The average summer consumption is 452 million litres per day.

She said Watercare keeps a close eye on dam levels, river flows, water usage and the weather outlook when managing Auckland's various water sources.

"We'll be sharing this information on our website and on social media - so look out for our 'Easy does it' campaign over the next few months," she said.

"We don't want to be breaking any more records this summer, so we'll be popping up with advice on how you can be mindful of your water use around home."

Danks said weather forecasters were predicting near normal summer rainfall overall, with a likelihood of lengthy dry spells broken up by heavy rain.

"With our two Waikato water treatment plants, we can treat up to 225 million litres of water from the Waikato River every day, if we need to," she said.

"Right now, the second plant isn't operational as we have a good amount of water in our dams and don't need to be maximising production from the Waikato. But it certainly provides a good safety net if the weather does turn out to be drier than expected."

There were 105 minor leaks across the water network that still required fixing.

"We'll have our proactive leak detection programme running too, which is particularly useful at finding leaks that aren't easily visible. Over the past year our leak management programme has saved seven million litres of water per day - that's the equivalent of water used by more than 27,000 people," Danks said.

Watercare's top tips for going easy with your water use this summer:

  • Keep your showers short - four minutes or less should be plenty. If you're a twice-a-day showerer on those scorching days, keep them to two minutes each;
  • Cool off the kids with water pistols, reusable water balloons or even a small paddling pool, instead of under the sprinkler;
  • Attach a trigger nozzle to your garden hose, to reduce wastage when watering;
  • Water your garden early in the morning or at dusk to reduce evaporation;
  • Check your home for leaks.

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