New Zealand / Defence Force

The NZDF personnel serving overseas this Christmas

07:16 am on 24 December 2022

While many New Zealanders will be settling in for a weekend of fun and family this Christmas, there are those whose work keeps them far, far away.

New Zealand Defence Force personnel Captain H. (her military designation) (L), and Major Gareth Collings (R), will be spending Christmas Day 2022 in South Korea and Solomon Islands, respectively.

New Zealand Defence Force personnel Captain H. (her military designation) (L), and Major Gareth Collings (R), will be spending Christmas Day this year in South Korea and Solomon Islands respectively. Photo: Supplied

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has more than 100 personnel deployed around the world who will be serving all throughout the festive season.

Unable to make it back home for the holidays, they are finding ways to celebrate from afar.

Many NZDF troops will be enjoying their Christmas abroad, from South Sudan, to Antarctica.

Captain H, her military designation, has been based in South Korea for three months now - this will be her first Christmas in the northern hemisphere.

She said temperatures there sometimes got as low as -16 degrees.

While she was braving the cold, her family back home would be celebrating Christmas in classic New Zealand fashion.

"I'm missing out on a barbecue, a potluck, and some good yarns, but this year, since I'm overseas for Christmas, I'm going to enjoy it," she said, adding that she hoped it will be a white Christmas this year.

Captain H. said she still planned to celebrate, come Christmas Day.

Her RSA parcel has arrived, containing items donated by Pams, and with handmade Christmas cards from the children of Mt Cook and Silverstream Primary schools thanking NZDF personnel for their service.

Captain H. said she would open the parcel on Christmas morning, before video-chatting with her family in New Zealand.

Major Gareth Collings is based in Solomon Islands as a member of the Multinational Police Support Group, and has spent three of the last six Christmas' away from home.

He said despite his 28 years of military service, being away from New Zealand for the holidays still felt strange.

"I don't know if I've ever gotten used to it, to be honest with you," he said.

Christmas was his favourite time of year, Collings said, and he appreciated being home for it more with age.

Despite that, he said this Christmas Day would be a nice break from the high-paced work of previous months.

Collings said Christmas morning would be free for troops to call their families back home, before a Christmas dinner and secret Santa for all members there.

He also has Boxing Day off to play cricket and relax with the others stationed in the Solomons.