New Zealand / Weather

Christmas Day weather: 'Pretty good day' for most of the country

13:12 pm on 23 December 2022
Most of New Zealand can expect a warm and dry Christmas Day.

Most of New Zealand can expect a warm and dry Christmas Day. Photo: 123RF

With Christmas Day fast approaching, many families around the country will be looking for an answer to one of the silly season's hottest questions - what will the weather be like?

NIWA predicts the 25th will be a lolly scramble of sunshine, thunderstorms, and everything in between.

Meteorologist Chris Brandolino told Morning Report there will be sunshine for much of the country.

"I think for the vast majority of Aotearoa New Zealand it's going to be a pretty good day."

Though Hawke's Bay, Gisborne, Wairarapa, Marlborough, interior Otago and Southland may see scattered showers and thunderstorms, Brandolino said.

"They won't define Christmas Day but if you're going to be outdoors, having a picnic, things like that, you may have to take cover in those areas."

While temperatures will be on the warm-side, Brandolino didn't expect it to be as hot as last year's Christmas Day.

"As we look ahead towards, let's say Boxing Day, and as we approach the last couple of days of 2022 ... if you're going to be camping, you're going to be enjoying the outdoors ... try to connect with the forecast."

There may be something brewing in the North, he said.

In the lead up to Christmas Day, MetService forecasts heavy rain for the Tasman District, Kāpiti Coast, Horowhenua, and the Tararua Range on Friday.

Thunderstorms were possible.

A low pressure system was sitting just west of Aotearoa, MetService said.

On Thursday, MetService recorded 4,500 lightning strikes within a two-hour period.

A mini-tornado hit South Taranaki on Thursday, tearing the rood off a farmhouse.

Owner John Styger said it was a miracle no one was hurt.

Half the roof was blown onto his neighbours' paddock about 200 metres away.

The Eltham volunteer fire brigade put up a temporary tarpaulin roof, and builders would patch it on Friday before it was properly fixed after Christmas.