Pacific / American Samoa

Second tugboat arrives in American Samoa

08:09 am on 25 April 2018

American Samoa has met the US Coast Guard's requirement to have two tugboats on hand to accommodate large tonnage vessels like tankers and cruise ships.

The 'Iseula' Photo: RNZ Pacific / Monica Miller

The Coast Guard had to issue a waiver and extensions to Port Administration to meet the requirement.

This led to the territory's government acquiring funding to purchase the new tugboat which has arrived from the US state of Alabama after a 90 day journey.

The boat was christened 'Iseula', the name of the local fautasi where the dock is located.

Governor Lolo Moliga, Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Areas Douglas Domenech and Congresswoman Aumua Amata Radewagen were among the officials to welcome the boat to port.

Coast Guard Captain Michael Long was also there and said there was deep satisfaction at receiving the Iseula.

"I know there were some challenges along the way to get that second tugboat but just working closely with the Port, leveraging our partnerships and unity of effort and also our friendships with the American Samoan government shows that we are able to overcome the challenges and we are just so pleased to see that tug."