New Zealand / Housing

Single donor gives $800k for emergency housing

07:31 am on 18 June 2016

A single donor is giving $800,000 to a community housing trust in Auckland to fund more emergency housing.

Sandra in her room at Monte Cecilia Housing Trust's emergency accommodation

The Monte Cecilia Housing Trust operate emergency accommodation like this apartment in Mangere Photo: RNZ / Karen Mangnall

The Monte Cecilia Housing Trust in Mangere was given the money by one of its board members, Jim Weir.

Chief executive Bernie Smith told RNZ news that Mr Weir donated the money out of a desire to make a social contribution to the community.

The money will fund the building of six two-bedroom apartments at the Trust's Mangere site.

"We're just overwhelmed with Jim's generosity. You know, six more families will have the opportunity of having a housing option temporarily while long-term housing options are made available," said Mr Smith.

The plans are still awaiting council consent, but the Trust hoped that process would be completed in about two months.

"It's very exciting for us. We're just waiting for council approvals to go ahead," he said.

The Mangere site is currently able to accommodate 12 families, who work with the Trust over a period of three months towards finding a more permanent housing situation.

Mr Smith said the donation was an amazing gesture of generosity by Mr Weir and his family that will make a huge difference to families in crisis.

Once the consent process was finalised, the apartments should take about six to eight months to build.