The Wireless

Teen won't return to school after debacle

13:27 pm on 1 July 2015
Anela Pritchard.

Anela Pritchard. Photo: Facebook / Anela Pritchard

The teenager who criticised her teachers says she won’t be returning to school in Napier.

Anela Pritchard, 15, told Radio New Zealand today that she had met with the principal and her dean, but that she was not comfortable returning to Napier Girls' High School and is moving to Australia next week.

Napier Girls' High School had asked students to write a persuasive speech on something they had strong opinions about and in her speech, Pritchard questioned the amount of essays, worksheets and what she called endless study. Students should instead be learning about how to pay taxes, how to apply for jobs, and the school system was screwed up, her speech said.

“After I presented my speech my teacher left the class looking rather sad. The next day I came home from school to my father telling me that I was suspended for my speech (he didn't even know anything about it),” she said on Facebook.

“After hearing this news, rather than regretting what I had done, I was more proud. Proud that someone had heard my voice. But also I am angry. I thought New Zealand was a country with freedom of speech??”

“What grounds do the school stand on for suspending me.”

But Napier Girls’ High School says that Pritchard was never stood down or suspended. It said the matter was resolved and the student was welcome back at school today.

The school said today the principal met with the student, her father and her sister yesterday - the earliest a meeting could be arranged.

 “The student delivered a speech that was provocative. She emailed a copy of her speech to a number of teachers causing upset,” the school said in a statement.

“Colleagues and students in the wider school were shocked and upset.

“The Principal immediately on hearing about this, arranged a meeting with the student and her father to better understand the student's thinking and objectives about the speech and to hear her ideas.

“That meeting took place yesterday as did a meeting with her classmates.

“Following the meeting with the student and her family, late yesterday afternoon, the Principal had meetings with several staff and then with the Board Chair to ensure all were informed.”

A version of this story was first published on