Te Ao Māori

Hui Ā Motu second phase kicks off

06:12 am on 31 May 2024
Protestors progress down Queen Street as part of a hikoi

Photo: RNZ/Marika Khabazi

Iwi from across the country will converge at Ōmāhu Marae in Heretaunga today to explore organisational frameworks capable of operationalising Kotahitanga, or unity.

Ngāti Kahungunu will host the masses attending the second phase of the Hui Ā Motu movement with a haka pōwhiri set to begin at 9am.

Kiingi Tuuheitia will attend the pōwhiri and hand over the mauri (life force) to its new hosts.

More than 10,000 people atttended a national hui called by Kiingi Tuuheitia at Tuurangawaewae Marae in Ngaaruawaahia earlier this year to unite in opposition to government policy.

Ngāti Kahunggunu chair Bayden Barber says kotahitanga is the most vital yet most diffcult element required if Māori want to make an impact and affect change.