The Wireless

Craig delays ministerial ambition

08:55 am on 11 September 2014

Conservative Party leader Colin Craig says he would not want a ministerial job after the election if his party won seats in Parliament.

In last night's 3News-Reid-Research poll The Conservative Party on 4.7 percent, nudging the threshold to get into Parliament without winning an electorate seat.

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However in Radio New Zealand's poll of polls – an average of the four latest surveys – the party is lower, on 3.5 percent support.

With nine days to the poll average calculated by political analyst Colin James has the National Party still strongly placed on 50.3 percent, while Labour is on 25.1 percent support.

The latest surveys put the four poll averages in Radio New Zealand's POLL of POLLS compiled by political analyst Colin James as follows:

National 50.3%

Labour 25.1%

Greens 12.1%

New Zealand First 5.6%

Conservatives 3.5%

Internet-Mana 2.2%

Maori party 0.7%

ACT 0.3%

United Future 0.2%.