New Zealand

Shelly Bay property developer says Sir Peter Jackson's claims are false

16:37 pm on 1 May 2019

The developer planning to build at Shelly Bay on Wellington's coast has hit back at accusations made by Sir Peter Jackson.

Sir Peter Jackson showing media around the Great War exhibition in Dominion Museum,Wellington.

Sir Peter Jackson says locals are against the Shelly Bay development, and the fight will only get uglier. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson

Sir Peter has accused the council of disregarding its ratepayers, saying the development's infrastructure will cost much more than planned.

He said the way the land was sold needed more investigation, and asked the council to review the project.

In an open letter, property developer Ian Cassels said while it was Sir Peter's right to oppose the development, his statements were incorrect.

Mr Cassels said the partnership with iwi who owned the land was delivering real outcomes to the members of Taranaki Whānui.

He has asked Sir Peter to stop repeating false claims, and using his influence to spread misinformation.

Mr Cassels is also offering to meet with Sir Peter, and said he would have no option but to respond if the movie director continued to defame the company.

Artists impression of Shelly Bay development

Artist's impression of Shelly Bay development. Photo: Supplied

Late last year consents for the $500 million project were quashed by the Court of Appeal, which ruled Wellington City Council had got the law wrong when issuing the consent for the project.

The developers, Taranaki Whānui and the Wellington Company, say the project's designers have been challenged to deliver not only highly efficient and sustainable structures, but also beautiful building forms befitting its pristine coastal environment.

Wellington's Mayor Justin Lester is defending his council's involvement in the development, which he said was a good deal for ratepayers.

The council will spend $10m on infrastructure such as pipes but will recoup $8m of that from a land sale, he said.