Pacific / Papua New Guinea

PNG public servants warned ahead of confidence vote

09:36 am on 1 May 2019

Papua New Guinea public servants have been warned not to facilitate last minute government payments before a vote of no-confidence against the prime minister.

The opposition is planning for a vote against Peter O'Neill when parliament resumes this month.

Kerenga Kua

Kerenga Kua Photo: Loop PNG

The opposition justice spokesman, Kerenga Kua, said with the vote looming there was a danger of public money being utilised for political expediency.

He urged public servants to play their part in exposing abuse of office.

Mr Kua said abuse of public institutions had reached new levels under the current government.

He said the opposition was closely monitoring the printing of illegal cheques ahead of the vote.

Banks in PNG have also been put on notice, with Mr Kua saying that in the past, banks discriminated in favour of the regime, acting in a manner tantamount to money laundering.


The opposition says it's consulting with government MPs in a bid to remove Mr O'Neill.

Nine MPs announced their resignations from the prime minister's People's National Congress party in the past several days.

The Opposition claimed many government were disgruntled with the leadership.

Opposition leader Patrick Pruaitch said they were focussed on the task of removing Mr O'Neill before deciding on a new nominee for prime minister.

Meanwhile West Sepik Governor Tony Wouwou denied reports he was joining the opposition, after being photographed with its members.

He said he was still with the ruling party, and was tricked by an opposition member into appearing with them.

Pangu Pati in disarray

The Finance Minister, Sam Basil, said all 15 MPs in the Pangu Pati would resign from the party and stay in government.

Pangu's non-parliamentary executive recently expelled Mr Basil as leader and urged the party's other MPs not to join him in establishing a party under a new name.

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Photo: Supplied

EM TV reports that the Bulolo MP announced that all Pangu MPs would leave the party and remain as part of the government.

There has been pressure on Pangu MPs to leave the government coalition of prime minister Peter O'Neill.

The Finance Minister has reiterated his support for Mr O'Neill's government, saying his party will stay in the coalition.

Meanwhile, Pangu executives in the party's stronghold of Moreobe province have been vocal in urging Mr Basil to leave the group.

But Mr Basil said that "Pangu MPs will not be used by executives who did little to resurrect the party".

Meanwhile, Pangu Party's General Secretary, Morris Tovebae, described Mr Basil's announcement of a mass party resignation as a desperate move to remain in control.

The Pangu Council has appointed Morobe Governor, Ginson Saonu, as interim party leader using provisions within the party constitution.

PNG PM Peter O'Neill Photo: AFP / Peter Parks