New Zealand / Business

NZ Post pulls fleet of vehicles after fault found, delivery delays possible

11:19 am on 30 November 2022
The fleet of Paxster vehicles were rolled out last year.

Paxsters would be back on the streets once they pass a check, NZ Post says. Photo: New Zealand Post

Deliveries in the lead-up to Christmas could be delayed after NZ Post pulls its fleet of electric vehicles.

Chief operating officer Brendon Main said an issue was discovered in the rear suspension of three of its delivery vehicles.

The fleet has been stood down while an investigation into the issue is carried out.

The issue would not have an impact on courier items or rural delivery, Main said.

It would only impact items delivered by posties using Paxsters.

Instead, posties would use bicycles, e-bikes or walk where possible to deliver mail.

Normal mail services would resume as each Paxster passes its check or was repaired, Main said.