New Zealand / Conservation

Investigation launched after albatross eggs disappear from Otago's Taiaroa Head colony

16:47 pm on 14 November 2022
Adult male albatross displaying on Taiaroa Head.

DOC coastal Otago operations manager Annie Wallace said it was strange for eggs to disappear without a trace as the colony had been managed and monitored for years. Photo: Alan Wright / Courtesy Department of Conservation

An investigation is under way into the disappearance of four northern royal albatross eggs from a colony near Dunedin.

The eggs were found to be missing from the Taiaroa Head colony on Thursday morning during routine checks.

Security camera footage is being gathered as Department of Conservation (DOC) compliance officers and the police investigate the missing eggs.

There are no signs they have been eaten by predators.

DOC coastal Otago operations manager Annie Wallace said it was strange for eggs to disappear without a trace as the colony had been managed and monitored for years.

"It's still unclear what has happened, and we are gathering security camera footage and talking to people who may have relevant information."

It was devastating as toroa are nationally vulnerable, threatened by climate change, and reproduce slowly, she said.

"They need all the help they can get, and it will be extremely disappointing if someone has taken these eggs.

"This is devastating for our staff who put in countless hours caring for these birds in challenging conditions, keeping them cool on hot days, working to prevent flystrike, and providing supplementary feeds to underweight chicks."

Te Poāri a Pukekura management group chair Nadia Wesley-Smith said the disappearance of toroa eggs from Pukekura was deeply concerning.

It was not only considered a disruption to the mauri and mana of the headland, but also has a devastating impact to the toroa population, and the conservation efforts, she said.

Te Rūnanga o Ōtakou chair Rachel Wesley said the unexplained disappearance was the utmost concern.

The hapū from Ōtākou had a close affinity with the toroa at Pukekura, she said.

"Due to the slow breeding cycle and vulnerable status of toroa, any loss of eggs or chicks from natural causes is disappointing, but the unexplained nature of this particular incident, and especially with the suggestion it may be people who are responsible, is absolutely devastating.

"I hope answers to their whereabouts will be found quickly and the eggs of this important taoka species still remain viable."

Taiaroa Head is the only mainland site in the world where toroa breed. It is a fully-fenced nature reserve and entry is by permit only.

Anyone with information are asked to call 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468) or the police non-emergency number 105.

Toroa are protected under the Wildlife Act, it is an offence to kill, injure, harass or disturb them.